Show Your Drains Some Love This Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day

This Valentine’s Day, many of us will be making plans with our loved ones (and some of us will be enjoying the discounted chocolate on February 15th!). In the spirit of the celebration, the TWC Draincare team has put together a list of easy ways that you can show your drains some love this February.

No Flowers for Your Drains!

Whilst it might be a good idea to show up to a Valentine’s date with a beautiful bouquet, your drains will not appreciate any sort of vegetation. One of the leading causes of drain blockages that our team deals with throughout the winter months is the build up of leaf litter, which can enter external drains and quickly clump together to inhibit their function. Care for your drains by regularly checking that they are clear of leaves, sticks, and other plant matter, and your drainage will be kind to your budget in return.

Dinner and Drinks – Not Down the Sink

We say this all the time, but it really is important; sinks are not an appropriate receptacle for kitchen waste, and dumping leftovers into them can wreak very expensive and unpleasant havoc with your drains. Food clogs not only impede the drainage of your sink, but also tend to smell foul and can potentially sustain pests like drain flies. When your romantic dinner date is over, please make sure that any grease, leftover food, coffee grounds, bones and peels are put into the bin rather than swilled down the sink.

Set Up A Date With TWC Draincare

Regular drain maintenance is the most effective way to care for your drains year-round, allowing you to catch problems in their early stages when they are often cheaper and easier to fix. At TWC, our friendly and experienced engineers are always happy to answer questions, provide expert advice, and support you every step of the way.

If you have further questions, you can contact the TWC team here and we will be happy to assist you.

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