New Year’s Resolutions for Your Drains with TWC

New Year's Resolutions for your drains

We hope that everyone had a great festive season – from everyone at TWC, we wish a very happy new year to all our valued clients! In this blog, we are embracing the spirit of the season to suggest some resolutions you could make for the benefit of your drains, your property, and your budget.

Be Kinder to Your Drains

We all know that professionals advise against pouring potential blockage factors down the sink, but when you are rushing out of the door in the early morning, it is all too easy to ask yourself – what harm could it do? Our draincare experts deal with the repercussions of these habits constantly (the answer is a lot of harm!), but we also appreciate that it adds time and effort to your routine. This January, why not resolve to make it easier for yourself to follow good draincare habits? Leave an old jar or tin next to the sink so that you can pour excess grease into it to cool and be thrown away, make sure you have an accessible bin for coffee grounds to avoid the temptation to wash them away, and consider purchasing mesh sink strainers for extra protection.

Keep External Drains Clear

At this time of year, leaf debris builds up quickly, and can clog drains to the point of flooding or sewage backup. The best resolution you can make to avoid this is building a walk-around of your property into your weekly routine – inspect each external drain and make sure that there is no tree material entering them. Raking away leaves and placing them into the compost helps to avoid a drain care emergency, especially when done regularly. As we often say here at TWC, prevention is always better (and cheaper) than cure.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

Having an expert regularly checking your drains is a resolution that will save you time and money throughout the coming year. Our TWC engineers can conduct CCTV surveys to assess underground damage and repair it before it causes catastrophes. We can repair, assess, and ensure that you understand exactly what is going on in your drainage system.

To discuss your drain care needs, you can contact the TWC team here.

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