Customer Complaints Policy


The Company is dedicated to providing excellent customer service and maintaining a healthy customer relationship at all levels. We have a Complaints Policy to ensure all complaints are handled as efficiently and effectively as possible.

As a customer of ours, you are entitled to make a complaint to us. The following outlines our policy and procedures for the handling of verbal and written complaints.


We want to resolve your complaints as soon as possible. We do everything we can to make sure our customers get the best products and service possible. However, sometime we may not get things right the first time. When that happens, we want you to tell us what went wrong so we can put matters right. Please call our office and we’ll do our best to fix any problems you may be having with our service, as soon as possible.

Our Responsibilities:

  • To provide an efficient, fair and structured mechanism for handling complaints.
  • To provide our customers with access to the complaints handling process, including those customers with disabilities and special needs.
  • Resolve your complaint fairly without delay; and
  • Make sure you are satisfied with how your complaint was resolved.

Handling Your Complaint

How and where to complain:

  • If you are not satisfied with any aspect of our service or products you can tell us about your complaint in the following ways:
  • In writing – write to us and address your letter to The Office Manager.
  • By telephone – call us on 0333 305 2243 during our office hours and ask for the Office Manager.
  • By email – use the email address

How long will it take:

Upon receiving a complaint, we will aim to resolve your complaint during the initial contact but if we can’t, we will write to you within three business days to tell you:

  • Why we have not resolved your complaint;
  • Who is dealing with your complaint; and
  • When we will contact you again

Our aim is to resolve complaints in a timely manner and we will generally resolve a matter within 30 calendar days. Complex complaints may take longer than 30 calendar days to resolve. In these cases, we will regularly update you on the progress and likely timeframe for resolution. If you require an update, please call or email the office and ask to speak to the person handling your complaint.

We will advise you of the outcome of your complaint. Where you have requested us to do so, we will advise you in writing.

If we cannot reach agreement with you?

If we can’t agree a solution with you within eight weeks, we will:

  • Send a letter giving our reasons for the delay and an indication of when we expect to provide a final decision.


  • Issue our final decision letter which will explain our final position.

Citizens Advice Bureau:

Customers can request advice from the Citizens Advice Bureau on any matters relating to complaints:

0800 144 8848

Data Protection:

Complaints relating to Data Protection Issues should be made to:

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Tel: 0303 123 1113

July 2023