Drain Tips for Winter with TWC

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The winter weather can wreak havoc with your drainage system – in the colder months, our engineers are busier than ever. In this blog, we will share our top tips to keep your drains working properly come rain, shine or snow!

Check Your Outdoor Drains!
Drains block more frequently in the winter, as the extreme cold causes debris like grease and mud to solidify, and poor weather pulls leaves and branches off the trees. One of the best ways to prevent a costly disaster is to check your external drains frequently. Take a short walk around the property; if leaves are piling up around your drains you can remove them before they enter the system, and if there are any visible signs of blockage like excess groundwater or foul odours, you can catch them early. Call the TWC team if you have any concerns or you notice warning signs from your drains, and we can resolve the issue for you before it becomes more severe and potentially causes extensive underground damage.

Fix Your Dripping Tap!
Apart from being very annoying, a dripping tap causes more problems than you may think. To begin with, it can waste an astronomical amount of water: over 5500 litres per year! A dripping tap also encourages your pipes to freeze, which can be a disaster. As the water freezes, it expands, which can crack your pipes and lead to leaking or flooding either within the building or underground outside, both of which can cause significant and expensive damage.

Oil and Fat: Throw it, Don’t Pour It!
Pouring leftover oil and fat down the drain is always a bad idea, but in winter a blockage can form even more quickly. The cold weather lowers the temperature in your drainage system, meaning that grease congeals rapidly and obstructs the proper flow of wastewater.

For expert help with your winter drain care, you can contact our friendly team of experts.

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