Draincare with TWC: Tree Root Trouble

tree roots in drain

We often warn our customers about the dangers of pouring grease, debris, and food waste down their drains, so when a blockage occurs, most assume that these will be the culprits. However, tree roots can be just as damaging to your drains – in this blog, we will explain how, why, and what you can do about them.

How Do Tree Roots Impact My Drains?
Roots spread looking for nutrients and moisture, both of which are in abundant supply along the walls of your pipes. Thin tendrils can find their way in through gaps in pipe joints, cracks and fractures in the material of your pipes, or faulty connections. Once they have access to this supply of resources, the roots grow quickly, causing an obstruction to the flow of water. In a worst case scenario, they can even burst the pipes entirely.

What Does Root Damage Look Like?
Many of the symptoms of root ingress are similar to those of any other blockage. You may experience low water pressure, slow drainage, and gurgling noises coming from your drains. This implies that there is not enough room in your pipes for the water to drain away quickly and effectively.

How Can TWC Help?
At TWC, we are experts in all aspects of caring for your drains. Our technicians can carry out a CCTV drain survey to identify exactly what has blocked your drains, and let you know precisely what will be required to fix it. We can give you a quote, talk you through your options, and explain which will give the best longevity. We also offer regularly scheduled drain maintenance, which can help to avoid root ingress in the first place, saving you both money and stress.

To talk to the TWC Draincare team about protecting your drains, you can contact us here.

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