Draincare On A Budget

At TWC Draincare, we understand that our customers might be worried about the cost of draincare, particularly in an emergency. Luckily, there are plenty of inexpensive and simple ways to take care of your drains that might avoid an emergency- in this blog, we will give you some advice about our favourites.


Plughole Strainers

No matter how careful you are, your shower drain can become blocked with loose hair, and your sinks can experience a build up of insoluble debris like coffee grounds and food scraps. The easiest way to avoid this is to purchase a sink strainer, which is a cover with small holes that can catch any potential obstructions before they enter the drain. You can then remove the cover and empty it directly into the bin. Sink strainers typically come in silicone or stainless steel, and are often available for just a few pounds.

Unblocking Your Drains

If you have a severely blocked drain, you should always call experts like the TWC team – trying to unblock it yourself can lead to serious pipe damage or an overflow. For smaller or partial blockages, however, there are some cheap household options you can try before reaching for the phone. For minimal grease build up, pouring a kettle full of boiling water down the drain can help to dissolve and remove the blockage. If this is not enough, pouring a mug full of household soda crystals down the drain may help; a kilogram bag is typically around £2. However, this should be done with care- overusing soda crystals can damage the joints in your pipes.

Avoiding Blockages

The cheapest way to resolve a drain emergency is to avoid it in the first place! Whilst sink strainers are an excellent way to catch larger debris, they will not stop grease, which can then build up in your pipes. If you need to dispose of a large quantity of grease or oil, allow it to cool and pour it into a disposable container (you can save old butter tubs or milk bottles), before putting the container in the bin. For smaller amounts, soak the cooled grease into some kitchen towel and place it into the bin, before washing the pan as normal.

We hope that these tips were helpful – and, of course, we are always here when you and your drains need us. To talk to a draincare expert, you can contact the TWC Draincare team.

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