How to Care for a Septic Tank

septic tank maintenance

Caring for your septic tank is a vital part of property maintenance– it can prevent more extensive (and expensive) problems in the future. As drainage experts, TWC Draincare have put together a list of useful tips on septic tank care, to help you make the most of your system.

First, try not to overload your drainage. Discharging a large volume of water in a short period of time can disrupt the layers that form within the tank, leading to excess flooding into the drainage field. This can be prevented by attempting to balance your water usage throughout the day, and minimising it overall– as a household, try not to have too many baths and showers while appliances like your dishwasher and washing machine are running, and your tank will continue to operate normally.

Next, consider the contaminants that are being introduced to your septic tank, and attempt to avoid them. Human waste and toilet paper should be the only products entering the tank. Bleaches, cleaning products and other harsh chemicals can harm the bacteria that maintain the system, leading to poor waste digestion. Dispose of such chemicals carefully, and try to limit their exposure to your water supply. The same is true of oil, grease and fat: they can form a layer that will starve the tank (and, as a result, the bacteria) of oxygen, rendering the system less efficient.

As we have stated, your septic tank is built to dispose of human waste and toilet paper only– please don’t flush sanitary products, wipes, or other bulky hygiene waste. These things cannot be digested by the bacterial colony that maintains your tank, and often lead to system blockages, which can be an unpleasant and expensive problem to fix.

For more information on maintaining your septic tank, please get in touch.‍

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