CCTV Drain Surveys and Drain Mapping

cctv drain surveys

If someone asked you to draw a map of your home, you would most likely be able to do it from memory– but what about below your property? Most people have no idea what their drainage system looks like, and so problems are only identified when they are obvious at surface level (which is often once they have become expensive to fix). TWC Drain Care can conduct CCTV drain surveys of your property, allowing us to understand your drainage and identify issues in the early stages of development.

Understanding Your Infrastructure

Drainage mapping has a huge variety of benefits. By conducting a CCTV drain survey, we can assess the condition of your infrastructure, letting you know where potential problems might arise. This includes issues like root encroachment, pipe cracking or weakening, and early-stage blockages. Furthermore, if you intend to undertake a construction project, it is vital to know where your drainage is and how it will interact with the changes you are making above-ground.


Maintaining drains is far easier when you understand their structure. If you have recurring problems, like repeated flooding or stubborn blockages, this may indicate a wider problem with the system. Our qualified drain technicians can investigate for you, and suggest improvements that can be made to prevent future issues. Regular surveillance can also catch problems in their early stages (like pipe weakening) before they become disasters. This not only saves money, but prevents disruption and inconvenience too.

Why Choose TWC?

With an average of 4.7/5 stars across 71 reviews, our delighted customers can vouch for our exemplary service! The TWC team would be delighted to assist you with a professional CCTV drain survey, enabling you to be proactive in your draincare. For more information, please contact us.‍

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